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Anybus Defender - sonebrannmurer for OT

Anybus Defender - sonebrannmurer for OT

Anybus Defender sonebrannmurer er laget for å beskytte industrielle produksjons- og kontrollsystemer mot cyberangrep

For å beskytte produksjonen mot cyberangrep eller andre uønskede cyber relaterte hendelser må man vite hva man har, man må oppdage unormal aktivitet og ha backup løsninger på plass. Men disse tiltakene alene beskytter deg ikke mot cyber angrep, det være seg målrettet angrep eller tilfeldig fordi noen klikket på en epost eller koblet opp en laptop med skadevare.

For å begrense eller hindre cyberangrep  trenger du i tillegg industrielle sonebrannmurer.

Segmentering er det viktigste enkelttiltaket du kan sette inn.

Med Anybus Defender sonebrannmurer kan du segmentere OT-nettverket i soner og conduits i henhold til IEC 62443, eventuelt mikro segmentere helt ned til enkeltstående maskiner eller annet utstyr. Dette hidrer effektivt angripere i å bevege seg fritt rundt i OT nettverket,

For ytterligere beskyttelse støtter Anybus Defender  sonebrannmurer også DPI (Deep Packet Inspection),  IDS (Intrusion Detection), IPS (Intrusion Prevention) med Virtual Patching og VPN for sikker kommunikasjon (Conduits) mellom ulike soner.

DPI vil si at du kan kikke inn i industrielle protokoller slik som EtherNet/IP, CIP og Modbus TCP og se om f.eks. Modbus kommando inneholder verdier som ligger utenfor akseptable parametere eller kommandoer som kan være skadelig.


Anybus Communicator EtherNet/IP - EtherNet/IP Adapter

EtherNet/IP Adapter – EtherNet/IP Adapter. Isolate all traffic except declared EtherNet/IP mapping

Communicator PROFINET IO - PROFINET IO Device

PROFINET IO – PROFINET IO Device. Isolate all traffic except declared PROFINET IO mapping

Anybus Defender Compact 1004 - NAT/FW

ABD1004-NATFW supports NAT, routing, white and blacklisting of IP and MAC address and easy to use PLC like programming software specifically designed for operational environments

Anybus Defender 4002 - DPI/FW

ABD4002-DPIFW supports NAT, Routing, Intrusion Detection, Intrusion Prevention and Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) on common industrial protocols. DPI/FW Perpetual License inc. 3Y support

Anybus Defender 4002 - NAT/FW

ABD4002-NATFW supports NAT, Routing, and advanced stateful firewall for network segmentation following IEC/ISA 62443-3-3 guidelines. NAT/FW Perpetual License inc. 3Y support

Anybus Defender 4002 - PRO/FW

ABD4002-PROFW supports NAT, Routing, Deep Packet Inspection (DPI), and VPN Server and Client functionalities for secure network connectivity over untrusted networks. PRO/FW Perpetual License inc. 3Y support

Anybus Defender 6004 - DPI/FW

ABD6004-DPIFW supports NAT, Routing, Intrusion Detection, Intrusion Prevention and Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) on common industrial protocols. DPI/FW Perpetual License inc. 3Y support

Anybus Defender 6004 - NAT/FW

ABD6004-NATFW supports NAT, Routing, and advanced stateful firewall for network segmentation following IEC/ISA 62443-3-3 guidelines. NAT/FW Perpetual License inc. 3Y support

Anybus Defender 6004 - PRO/FW

ABD6004-PROFW supports NAT, Routing, Deep Packet Inspection (DPI), and VPN Server and Client functionalities for secure network connectivity over untrusted networks. PRO/FW Perpetual License inc. 3Y support

Anybus Defender 6024 - DPI/FW

ABD6024-DPIFW supports NAT, Routing, Intrusion Detection, Intrusion Prevention and Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) on common industrial protocols. DPI/FW Perpetual License inc. 3Y support

Anybus Defender 6024 - NAT/FW

ABD6024-NATFW supports NAT, Routing, and advanced stateful firewall for network segmentation following IEC/ISA 62443-3-3 guidelines. NAT/FW Perpetual License inc. 3Y support

Anybus Defender 6024 - PRO/FW

ABD6024-PROFW supports NAT, Routing, Deep Packet Inspection (DPI), and VPN Server and Client functionalities for secure network connectivity over untrusted networks. PRO/FW Perpetual License inc. 3Y support